Building Trades Hoisting Pilot Apprenticeship Boot Camp

Making his monthly appearance on America’s Workforce Radio, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager discussed the upcoming junior apprenticeship boot camp with AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc.

Dorsey Hager

Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer

Hager and Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther brainstormed the idea for this event, which sends participants, who are in middle school, to a different training center every day for a week. While at the training centers, they will get their hands dirty learning construction basics of a particular trade.

The camp will run from Aug. 12 through Aug. 16. Those involved in this initial pilot program will spend one day at The Electrical Trades Center, and the training centers for the Bricklayers, Sheet Metal Workers and Carpenters. The final day features a graduation ceremony, and training coordinators will be on-hand to explain the kind of high school courses the students need to take in order to begin an apprenticeship right after graduation.

He feels this camp will help alleviate some of the negative stereotypes associated with the building trades.

In addition to the boot camp, they also discussed another government initiative, the Franklin County Poverty Assessment Plan.

About a year ago, Franklin County put together a task force, which Hager was a part of, to tackle the issue of poverty and why it is on the rise. The group made recommendations to the County Commissioners, who then took action.

America's Workforce Radio Host Ed "Flash" Ferenc

America’s Workforce Radio Host Ed “Flash” Ferenc

The Commissioners said one of the ways to combat poverty was to get those economically disadvantaged individuals into the Building Futures Program.

The C/COBCTC established an organizing committee, who work together to put on mass organizing outreach events, mass job visits and job actions.

Hager said that this group is a huge asset to the building trades and their work is paying off, as they are successful in organizing non-union construction workers.

Click here to listen to the entire interview, Hager’s thoughts on the most recent Democratic Party Presidential Debate, including how some candidates are missing the boat on middle-class issues.

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