AWF Audio Clips 2019

America’s Work Force is the only daily labor-radio program in America and has been on the air since 1993, supplying listeners with useful, relevant input into their daily lives through fact-finding features, in-depth interviews, informative news segments and practical consumer reports.




Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – December 6, 2019

Do not miss Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager, as he makes his monthly appearance on American’s Workforce Radio. Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc discussed the booming construction market and area politics. Hager runs down some of the major projects either underway or soon to be underway in Central Ohio. Many of the projects on the list include datacenters, while a hospital, sports stadium and airport are also on the list as well. He predicts the current building boom may last at least four to six years. In addition to construction, they talked about local politics. Hager said the C/COBCTC earned their biggest victory on election night when Rob Dorans was elected to city council. They highlight some other endorsed winners from November’s General Election as well.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – November 1, 2019

Listen to Dorsey Hager, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer, as he makes his monthly appearance on American’s Workforce Radio. Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc discussed the upcoming National Apprenticeship Week, which runs from Nov. 11 through Nov. 17. The big event will be an outreach event at the New Salem Baptist Church. Held in conjunction with the city, this is the second outreach event regarding the Linden Recreation Center. Hager then began to talk about IRAPs and the looming decision by the U.S. Department of Labor. If IRAPs are allowed into construction, he believes it will lead to even more employer greed in the construction industry, which in turn, will lead to more worksite deaths. Discussion turned to the Grove City labor awards. Hager explained how Councilman Ted Berry authored legislation to create labor awards. Open to young men and women, who are accepted into a registered apprenticeship program, the award gives anywhere from $700 to $2,100 to help keep them on-track to complete their apprenticeship. The money can be used for transportation issues, childcare, tools, etc. Lastly, they spoke about the upcoming November election.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – October 4, 2019

Don’t miss Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager’s monthly appearance on American’s Workforce Radio. Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc talk about a United Sportsmen’s Alliance project undertaken by building trades volunteers several years ago, as they built a new, large fishing pier at Antrim Park. Discussion then transitioned to the Building Futures program, which graduated another class on Sept. 26. Hager said the program’s overall graduation rate is 88 percent, and 85 men and women have been placed into apprenticeship programs and are currently working. The average starting wage for Building Futures graduates is $17.91. Talk then turned to the Franklin County Jail construction project, which is being built under a Community Benefits Agreement. As part of this agreement, there is an inclusion committee, which meets on a bi-monthly basis to ensure the entire community is represented in the construction of this facility. They then discussed the upcoming November election and the Cleveland Browns.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – September 6, 2019

You need to check out Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, as the makes his monthly appearance on American’s Workforce Radio. Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc discuss the record number of comments submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor opposing Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) in the construction industry. Discussion then turned to the Butch-Lewis act, a bill that addresses the multiemployer pension crisis. The House passed the legislation in late July, but the Senate currently has no plans to take a vote. Hager then provided updates on the $1 billion worth of projects, both planned and underway, in downtown Columbus. They also talk a little football, as the Browns gear up for their season opener at home against the Tennessee Titans.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – August 2, 2019

Do not miss Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager, as he makes his monthly appearance on America’s Workforce Radio. This month, Hager talked about a construction boot camp for middle school students. The boot camp is a partnership between the city of Columbus and region’s building trades, in an attempt to introduce students to the work of the trades, while also ensuring the children receive breakfast and lunch during summer break. Besides the boot camp, Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc discussed the Franklin County Poverty Assessment Plan and how the trades are working to bring in new members.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – July 5, 2019

Listen to Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, as the makes his monthly appearance on American’s Workforce Radio, where he discussed a proposed neutrality agreement for a hotel project with AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc. Hager said Columbus Council City Council members wanted to enter into a neutrality agreement with Franklin County Convention Authority Board, which will esnure the Hilton Hotel will not fight any efforts to organize the labor force. Members of the FCCA board voted this item down, but may revisit the vote due to protesting concerns. The need for the hotel is due to the region’s growth and Hager provided some insight as to why he thinks Columbus is in the middle of a large growth spurt, which has led to a major building boom. Hager also provides updates on several other upcoming events.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – June 10, 2019

Do not miss the monthly American’s Workforce Radio appearance of Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager, who discussed House Bill 6 with AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc. Hager, who helped build both of Ohio’s nuclear power plants as an insulator, was one of the first building trades leaders in the state to publicly support keeping Perry Nuclear Power Plant and Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station open. This is a hot topic for both building trades members and the public. Staying on state politics, they talked about the state legislators, who passed a two-year Workers’ Compensation bill, which will require employers to disclose if they employ an illegal alien. Discussion then switched to local politics, as the C/COBCTC recently released their list of endorsed candidates. They endorsed 22 of 38 candidates seeking their endorsement. Among the candidates endorsed are Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther and Columbus council members Elizabeth Brown, Rob Dorans, Shaya Favor and Emmanuel Remy.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – May 3, 2019

Listen to Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades, as he makes his monthly American’s Work Force Radio appearance. Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc discuss the recent racketeering conviction of a Boston area pharmaceutical founder, who was charged with bribing doctors across the country with millions of dollars to prescribe a highly addictive fentanyl spray. The company, Insys Therapeutics, used highly questionable sales tactics, including employing a former stripper as sale representative, who gave at least one doctor lap dances. Discussion then turned to the North America’s Building Trades Annual Legislative Conference. Hager, along with regional building trades leaders from central Ohio, met with their elected officials and discussed issues important to the trades and the need for investment in infrastructure. Discussion then turned to the recently signed Linden Park Recreation Center Community Benefits Agreement. Hager also talked about the upcoming Columbus bond issues: Issue 7, Issue 8, Issue 9, Issue 10 and Issue 11, which combined will generate $1.3 billion for infrastructure projects.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – April 5, 2019

Check out Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, who made his monthly appearance on America’s Workforce Radio, and talked with AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc about the appointment of Rob Dorans, Esq. to Columbus City Council. Dorans, who works as legal counsel for Affiliated Construction Trades (ACT) Ohio, was appointed to a citywide seat. Talked then turned House Bill 78, as Ohio Speaker of the House Larry Householder pulled the bill to make Prevailing Wage optional from committee, thus killing the proposed legislation. Sticking with state politics, the two discussed the recent news about Gov. Mike DeWine and Ohio legislators, who agreed to a $0.105 increase on the gas tax, which will be used to fix infrastructure such as roads and bridges. The increase will help create construction jobs. On the healthcare front, Hager is spreading the word about a free physical, sponsored by the NABTU, for members of the building trades who worked at Department of Energy sites.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – March 1, 2019

Do not miss Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio. During his monthly appearance, Hager and Ed “Flash” Ferenc, AWF host, discuss Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther, who is running unopposed for re-election. Talked then turned from a politician who supports the building trades to a pair of politicians who are anti-building trades. Reps. Craig Riedel (R-Defiance) and Susan Manchester (R-Lakeview) introduced legislation to make Prevailing Wage optional in Ohio, but there is little support for H.B. 78. Discussion switched from politics to the central Ohio work outlook and Hager said his members are busy. In addition to the massive Facebook project, Google announced a $600 million datacenter will be built in New Albany. He said his affiliated unions are working hard to recruit apprentices to help man these jobs and credited the Columbus Building Futures Program as a way to help bring men and women into the building trades. The third graduating class of Building Futures pre-apprenticeship program is helping put members of the underserved community to work.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – February 1, 2019

You will want to check out Dorsey Hager, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer, as he makes his monthly appearance on America’s Workforce Radio. This month, Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc talk about Republican Larry Householder, who was elected Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives in January. According to Hager, during Householder’s previous term, there were no legislative attacks on unions or union issues. He believes this is a good indicator for the upcoming term and provides insight into Householder’s background. Besides politics, they discuss a recent career fair and a contractor fair. Hager said there was a great turnout for both the career fair and the contractors fair, which helped area contractors learn how to get prequalified for City projects such as Linden Recreation Center and sports complex. Discussion then turned to area projects and Hager mentioned his members are busying working on the following projects: OSU Wexner Medical Center, Facebook datacenter, Google datacenter and Franklin County Jail. He hopes they will soon be working on a new stadium for the Crew.


Dorsey Hager on America’s Workforce Radio – January 4, 2019

Do not miss the monthly appearance of Dorsey Hager, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer, on America’s Workforce Radio. Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc talk about the upcoming race between Republicans Larry Householder and Ryan Smith, as they both vie to become the next Speaker of the Ohio House. Hager explains why his organization endorsed Householder in the 2018 General Election and why, based on Householder’s past history of supporting the building trades and their industry issues, Democrats should support him. They also discuss a recent report by the Associated General Contractors of America, which indicates contractors are concerned about a lack of skilled workers. Hager rebutted the report and said his contractors have enough manpower to finish their projects on time. The C/COBCTC is working to recruit new members and multiple affiliated trades will be present at the Fort Hayes Career Center on Jan. 31, from 4 to 7 p.m., for a career fair. Attendees will have the opportunity to try hands-on demonstrations. Hager and Ferenc also discuss Crew soccer and Browns football.



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