America’s Work Force is the only daily labor-radio program in America and has been on the air since 1993, supplying listeners with useful, relevant input into their daily lives through fact-finding features, in-depth interviews, informative news segments and practical consumer reports.
Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – December 1, 2017
Ed “Flash” Ferenc and Dorsey Hager, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer, talked about National Apprenticeship Week and how the affiliated C/COBCTC unions recognized this week. Hager discussed the newly created Building Futures program, which is a multi-trade pre-apprenticeship program for adults who are underemployed or unemployed. It is designed to not only help them get into an apprenticeship, but succeed as a journeyman. They also discussed The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center proposed $2 billion tower and ambulatory center. Hager and Ferenc also talked about Ohio’s upcoming 2018 gubernatorial primary.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – November 3, 2017
Check out Dorsey Hager, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer and Ed “Flash” Ferenc discuss a recently signed Community Benefit Agreement between the building trades and the City of Columbus to build the city’s first fire station since 2003. Hager explained what a CBA is and how it will benefit C/COBCTC members and the community. They also talked about the North American Building Trades Union Annual Leadership Conference in Las Vegas, as Hager gave an update on the conference. Hager also speaks about the announcement made by Columbus Congressman Pat Tiberi, who will leave his office before Jan. 31.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – October 6, 2017
Listen to Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager and Ed “Flash” Ferenc talk about the lack of skilled construction trade workers. Hager explains how a generation of young workers was lost to college and discusses how the C/COBCTC is marketing itself to a new generation. They also discuss House Bill 163, which would repeal Prevailing Wage. Hager also talks Indians playoff baseball and how the SCIU is organizing Columbus-area security guards.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – August 31, 2017
Don’t miss the Executive Secretary Treasurer for the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, Dorsey Hager, explain to Ed “Flash” Ferenc how overtime may be impacted by the Trump administration. Hager tells Ferenc he believes U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch will be the swing vote in major upcoming Supreme Court hearings that will affect the American worker. They also discuss the C/COBCTC’s successful D.a.D.’s Day Clay Shooting event, the benefits of being Hager’s intern and, of course, talk some Cleveland Indians baseball and Ohio State Buckeyes football.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – August 4, 2017
Listen to Ed “Flash” Ferenc and Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary Treasurer for the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, talk about the upcoming Franklin County Corrections Facility project. Hager discusses the immediate need for more apprentices, as the Baby Boomers within the Columbus Building Trades workforce are expected to retire in large numbers over the next 36 months. They also speak about how C/COBCTC members make an impact in the community by volunteering to help on a variety of projects, such as Make-a-Wish Foundation projects.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – July 7, 2017
Don’t miss Flash and Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary Treasurer for the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, as they talk about several topics such as a study on union verses non-union workers, including how the building trades are making an effort to attract minorities into the trades and giving them the opportunity to become apprentices. The interview also touched on the impact of the Davis-Bacon Act and how Prevailing Wage ensures makes a positive influence in the lives of construction workers. Dorsey also gave an update on a Community Benefit Agreement and spoke about some of the on-going area projects.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – June 2, 2017
Check out Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer for the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, and Flash as they discuss how Columbus has become the 14th largest city in the United States, the City of Columbus Labor Advisory Council and Community Benefit Agreements. They also talk about the C/COBCTC D.A.D.’s Day clay shoot and an update on the So-Called “Right to Work” and Prevailing Wage legislation, which is stuck in legislative committees.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – May 5, 2017
You need to listen to Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, and Flash briefly recap the NFL Draft and Cavaliers playoff push. The two also talk about apprenticeships and how technology has changed the construction industry, the MOU/Franklin County Correction Center Project and several other area projects.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – April 7, 2017
Flash and Dorsey Hager, Executive-Secretary Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, reminisce about the late Don Rickles, Trump appearance at the North American Building Trades conference, discuss the proposed Prevailing Wage bill, So-Called “Right to Work” legislation, the Duffy Bill (giving more access to high schools to recruit into the trades), the Union Sportsmen Alliance dinner and term limits.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – March 3, 2017
Listen to Flash and Dorsey Hager speak about the renovation of the Franklin County Convention Center, how the 20/20 Workforce Development is bringing jobs to central Ohio, introduction of a So-Called “Right to Work” bill in the statehouse and upcoming local elections.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – February 3, 2017
Make sure you check out the conversation between Dorsey Hager and Flash, who about several topics including the meeting between President Trump and Building Trade Leaders, So-Called “Right To Work” legislation, the attack on prevailing wage and the C/COBCTC Career Fair.
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Dorsey Hager on America’s Work Force Radio – January 6, 2017
Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Construction and Building Trades Council, and Flash discuss several topics including the Cleveland Browns, the 2016 construction season and upcoming 2017 projects, the fight against So-Called “Right to Work” fight in Kentucky and the tragic passing of Ohio labor leader Dave Caldwell.
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