Make sure to check out the recent appearance of Dorsey Hager, the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, on the America’s Work Force Union Podcast.

Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer
During his monthly appearance, Hager and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc discussed the influx of good paying union jobs created during Columbus current construction boom. People are flocking to Columbus thanks to the abundance of tech jobs and a healthy growth outlook for jobs overall.
If passed, the American Jobs Plan will create even more good paying union jobs in central Ohio. Hager said it is refreshing to see President Biden, who campaigned on infrastructure, create concrete plans to deliver meaningful benefits to the economy.
However, Hager was quick to point out infrastructure is more than just bridges and highways – it is also broadband, strengthening the electrical grid and investing in America’s schools.
He explained there are multiple options to pay for the infrastructure investment. One approach is to raise taxes on the uber rich and corporations. Another is to create a national gas tax or institute usage fees.

America’s Workforce Radio Host Ed “Flash” Ferenc
Besides infrastructure, Hager also discussed So-Called “Right to Work” threats that are prevalent in a Republican controlled state like Ohio. Republicans may control the legislator, but Hager refuses to worry — unions are strong in Ohio and gaining acceptance. Ohioans understand the importance of unions and workers rights, but unions will continue to fight politicians in order to assert the rights of their members.
He is also happy the City of Columbus recently passed a fair contracting law that makes it easier for quality, in-state contractors to compete for the work in the areas where their employees live.
Under the new law, the city can award the bid to the contractor who delivers the best value, not necessarily the lowest bid. The city can evaluate a contractor on how well they treat and pay their employees, as well as the quality of safety equipment they provide employees.
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