Vocational students from Walnut Ridge High School visited Plumbers, Pipefitters and Service Technicians Local 189 Training Center in mid-April to learn about career opportunities in the pipe trades.

Students from a vocational program at Walnut Ridge High School visited Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 189 to learn more about possible careers in the pipe trades.
Rich Manley, Local 189 Training Director, said 17 students from his alma mater took a field trip to the training center, where they participated in hands-on demonstrations.
Most of the students took the opportunity to try their hands on the propress tool to connect copper pipes to copper fittings, solder pipes and fittings, cut pipe or thread pipe.
Manley said about four or five students asked excellent questions about the pipe trades, the work performed or questions they had about the training center.
Students learned about the apprenticeship model and how they can earn while they learn.

The Walnut Ridge students participated in hands-on demonstrations.
The field trip to the Local 189 training center actually went over its scheduled time limit, as the students were extremely engaged and were eager to learn more about the pipe trades.
The students on this field trip are part of a pilot program designed to introduce the building trades back in to Columbus area schools.
Over the last couple decades, shop and other vocational classes have been eliminated at many Ohio high schools. Now, the Columbus City School District is looking to provide more vocational opportunities to students in some schools – including Walnut Ridge.
The Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council urges anyone – from high school students to college graduates and those who are underemployed – to visit our training center page for more information on apprenticeships with our affiliated unions.
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