Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager started his monthly interview on the America’s Work Force Union Podcast by discussing ongoing and new projects in Central Ohio.
One of the newest projects coming to Central Ohio will be from Anduril Industries, a U.S. defense contractor, who recently announced plans to build a $900 million facility in Pickaway County to manufacture drones and other military equipment.
The facility, named “Arsenal-1,” is the largest single-site creation in Anduril’s history. The first phase of the project will convert a 700,000-square-foot warehouse south of the Rickenbacker International Airport into a manufacturing facility.
Several other sites around the country competed for the Anduril project, and Hager emphasized how big of an opportunity this will be for affiliated members of the C/COBCTC.
“We’re excited to not only build the project, but we’re also excited to maintain the project and the opportunity to work with the suppliers that are going to come here as well to work with Anduri,” Hager said.

America’s Workforce Radio Host Ed “Flash” Ferenc
AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc asked Hager if he has any concerns about recruiting enough union tradesmen and tradeswomen to fill all the open positions.
Hager said members are working longer days as the building trades council continues to assist affiliated Local Unions.
“We are going to continue to step up not only our recruitment efforts but also the organizing efforts as well,” Hager said.
Listen to the full podcast episode here.
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