America’s Workforce Radio Segment: Hager says unions working hard for Clinton

Dorsey Hager

Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer

With days to go before the General Election, trade unions are busy promoting the need to get out and vote.

Columbus/Central Ohio Building Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager told America’s Workforce Radio host Ed “Flash” Ferenc that his members are making a final push to support candidates who support the building trades.

During their monthly interview, Hager said his members are doing all they can to promote the need to get out and vote. He also gave his insight regarding certain state and local races.

The interview moved from state politics to the presidential election, as Hager broke down the argument to vote for Hillary Clinton and why

America's Workforce Radio Host Ed "Flash" Ferenc

America’s Workforce Radio Host Ed “Flash” Ferenc

members should not vote for Donald Trump.

He said a number of his affiliated unions have been working to inform area residents of the reasons they should vote for Clinton.

Hager also gave an update on the status of Senate Bill 394, which is the Republicans proposed bill to fix Ohio’s Unemployment Fund solvency problem.

The two also discussed the Cleveland Indians World Series run.

To listen to the entire interview, click here.

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