Trades Members Proudly Give Back To Community

Dorsey Hager, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer, made his regular appearance on America’s Work Force Radio, as he and AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc discussed how building trades members are giving back to the community.

On a recent show, Ferenc interviewed Scott Vance, CEO and executive director of Union Sportsmen’s Alliance, and discussion turned to a USA volunteer project performed in Columbus several years ago when members of the trades rebuilt a large fishing pier at Antrim Park.

Dorsey Hager

Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer

Besides the rebuilding the fishing pier, Hager listed a handful of projects his members have volunteered on and listed other ways in which they give back to the community.

Another way the Building Trades are giving back to the community is through their partnership with the Franklin County Commissioners and Columbus Urban League to help support the Building Futures program. Building Futures is a 12-week program, which helps participants overcome challenges that might prevent them from beginning a construction career in the building trades, while showing them a pathway to a middle-class life.

Hager said another class graduated on Sept. 26.

America's Workforce Radio Host Ed "Flash" Ferenc

America’s Workforce Radio Host Ed “Flash” Ferenc

Overall, the program’s graduation rate is up to 88 percent and since it first began, there are 85 men and women who are currently enrolled in an apprenticeship program, who are also working in the field. These apprentices, on average, are earning $17.91 per hour.

Talk then turned to the Franklin County Jail project, which is being constructed under a Community Benefits Agreement. As part of the Community Benefit Agreement, an inclusion committee was created to meet on a bi-monthly basis in order to ensure the entire community is represented in the construction of this facility. Hager then talked about the work this group has done to help make sure women and minorities are working on this project.

Click here to listen to the entire interview.

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