Intel’s semiconductor plant could bring $300 billion to Ohio’s economy

On his monthly appearance on the America’s Workforce Union Podcast, Dorsey Hager,  Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council,

Dorsey Hager

Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer

spoke with AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc about the Intel semiconductor plant that will be built in Central Ohio, and what it will mean for the building trades.

Intel plans to build two chip plants, called fabs, in Central Ohio at a total cost of $20 billion. The site sits on 3,200 acres outside of Columbus. Project leaders want to start moving dirt by July and break ground on the project by the end of the year. Hager expects the semiconductor plant will create at least 7,000 construction jobs for the building trades.

The company wants to have both semiconductor fabs operational and producing semiconductor chips by 2025, Hager said.

All told, the Intel plant could have a $300 billion economic impact to Central Ohio, including $100 billion to $125 billion in construction dollars for the building trades, Hager said. Infrastructure will be needed to support the plant, and housing will need to be constructed to facilitate the workforce needed to man the plant, he explained.

Preparing the workforce to build Ohio’s future 

AWF Host Ed Flash Ferenc

AWF Host Ed “Flash” Ferenc

Hager also talked about the need to grow apprenticeship programs to provide the necessary workforce for not only the Intel plant, but also new datacenters for Amazon, Facebook and Google, as well as the Amgen Plant. Construction is booming in Central Ohio, and unions will need to grow their workforce in order to meet the demand, he said.

C/COBCTC is ramping up its recruitment efforts by talking to middle school and high school students about the value of apprenticeships in landing good paying careers in the building trades, Hager said. Union leaders are working with marketing groups to boost recruiting efforts.

He also talked about One Columbus, which put together the proposal that landed the Intel semiconductor plant in Ohio. Intel was attracted to the area by the infrastructure, available land and the available skilled labor to both build and run the plant, Hager said.

Listen to the entire interview:

AWF Audio Clips 2022

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