Hager encourages Rep. Balderson to support Restore Our Parks Act

In a letter to The Columbus Dispatch, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, Dorsey Hager, urges Rep. Troy Balderson (R-Zanesville) to support the bipartisan Restore Our Parks Act.

Support of the bill will not only help fix the nation’s crumbling national parks infrastructure, but also create jobs for members of the building trades.

Those living in Balderson’s congressional district are asked to contact his office and urge the Congressman to vote for this much-needed piece of legislation.

Below is the letter Hager wrote:

Dorsey Hager

Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer

When people think about national parks, job creation typically isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But thanks to Sen. Rob Portman’s bipartisan Restore Our Parks Act, maintenance repair work and job creation could go hand-in-hand at our national parks.

The act will invest in desperately needed maintenance projects at national park sites across the country. Nationwide, our parks are facing a $12 billion maintenance backlog, including $114 million in repairs needed right here in Ohio. This backlog includes crumbling roads and bridges, neglected military sites and outdated wastewater and electrical systems.

By investing in infrastructure projects and fixing our parks, we have the potential to support and create more than 1,000 new jobs for highly skilled crafts people in Ohio and more than 108,000 nationwide. That’s why Sen. Sherrod Brown and Reps. Joyce Beatty, Steve Stivers and Bob Gibbs have joined Portman in supporting this critical bill — and for that, I say thank you.

I encourage Rep. Troy Balderson to join his colleagues in helping to restore America’s parks and put central Ohioans to work by adding his name to this important legislation.

Dorsey Hager, Jr.
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council

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