Central Ohio construction boom continues through 2019

There is no slowdown in sight for Central Ohio’s construction boom.

Forecasts from local organizations, plus feedback from the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council all point to another banner year for the region’s union construction industry.

Dorsey Hager

Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer

Dorsey Hager, Executive Secretary of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, said there are many large projects on the books for 2019.

Work on Phase I of the Franklin County Jail and a Facebook Data Center are ongoing.

Union affiliated members will also be building the 840-bed Wexner Medical Center hospital tower, along with an ambulatory center, which will combine to be a more than $1 billion project.

The new Franklin County Forensic Science facility (morgue) will also break ground this year, Hager added.

“2019 looks to be even better than 2018,” said Hager. “Phase 1 of the jail will be in full swing as well as groundbreaking on the Linden Rec Center – both have Project Labor Agreements on them. We also expect to break ground on the Downtown Columbus Hilton Hotel expansion, OSU Medical Center, the new Columbus Crew Soccer Stadium and Mapfre Stadium renovation into the Columbus Sports Park.”

Besides those projects, there are plenty of medium and smaller sized jobs.

Similar to 2018, the upcoming construction season will offer tradesmen and tradeswomen ample opportunities to work.

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