C/COBCTC Endorses Russ Harris for Ohio State Rep. District 10

The Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council proudly endorses Democrat Russ Harris for Ohio State Representative of District 10.

“I am honored to be endorsed by the Building Trades,” Harris said. “These are the men and women who build a better Ohio every day.”

If elected, Harris will advocate for new economic initiatives for Ohio, based on more progressive revenue models. He is a strong supporter of the Thomas Alva Edison Partnership and believes it could attract worldwide investment in the technology and manufacturing that would lead Ohio into a new era of economic prosperity.

“University-based consortia between business, universities and government provide these entities with the advanced technology research and development, training and education necessary to diversify Ohio’s economy and thereby stimulate Ohio’s economic growth,” Harris said.

“As a passionate pro-choice, pro-labor and pro-public education candidate, I will challenge the Republicans who control the Statehouse,” he added.

Harris also supports mental health counseling, including the expansion of mental health centers, and increasing penalties for the distribution of illegal drugs in order to address Ohio’s opioid epidemic. He also advocates for new state partnerships with local governments to address mental health and drug addiction.

“In recent years, Columbus politicians have moved our state in the wrong direction – backwards,” Harris said. “They have diminished the teaching profession – we must restore it. They have diminished the self-worth and esteem of our children with high stakes testing – we must rebuild it. They have wasted billions of your tax dollars on the failed charter school experiment. They have put politics before Ohio’s children. We must be serious about working in a bi-partisan manner to change direction.”

In addition to the C/COBCTC, Harris is endorsed by:

  • UFCW Local 1059
  • The Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters 
  • The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET)
  • Columbus Firefighters Local 67
  • Boilermakers Local 105
  • Ohio BATS

Learn more about Harris:

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