America’s Workforce Radio Segment: Hager discusses how the building trades volunteer throughout central Ohio

Central Ohio tradesmen and tradeswomen give back to the region in many and significant ways.

During his  October appearance on America’s Workforce Radio, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trade Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Dorsey Hager told host Ed “Flash” Ferenc about a couple of ways the area trades are giving back to the community.

Antrim Park Fishing PierRecently, members of the building trades came together, and in partnership with the Ohio AFL-CIO and the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA), rebuilt the Antrim Park Fishing Dock.

With money raised at the annual USA dinner, the trades donated all the funds and manpower needed to renovate the rapidly deteriorating fishing dock. No public money was spent on this project.

Hager said his members would be coming together in a few weeks

C/COBCTC Executive Secretary Dorsey Hager and NFL linebacker Josh Perry at OSU Nisonger Center playground ribbon cutting ceremony

C/COBCTC Executive Secretary Dorsey Hager and NFL linebacker Josh Perry at OSU Nisonger Center playground ribbon cutting ceremony.

to support the Ohio State University Nisonger Center. In the past, his members have strongly supported the Nisonger Center’s fundraiser dinner, which helped raise much-needed funds for its operation. He expects another good turnout by the building trades at this year’s dinner.

The mission of the Nisonger Center is to improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Turning to politics, Hager gave his insight about Carpenters Local 200 Candidates’ Night and Mike Sexton’s retirement from the City to become Chairman of the Franklin County Democratic Party.

Listen to the entire interview by clicking here.

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