AFL-CIO creates online workplace safety tool

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on with no end in sight, the AFL-CIO recently launched a new online tool to raise awareness of workplace safety and how a union can help achieve these goals.

The online tool contains fundamental information to empower workers to identify key COVID-19 risks in workplaces, along with ways for workers to join together for better safety protections. The site also guides workers on how to contact a union to help negotiate with an employer for safer working conditions.

AFL-CIO Am I Safe At WorVisitors to the “Am I Safe At Work?” webpage can answer a short questionnaire to help determine if their workplace is safe. If the results determine the workplace is unsafe, the digital tool provides recommendations based on the answers.

It also discusses ways employees can work together to make their place of employment safer.

Among the tips offered are to speak with co-workers about the situation, find out if they feel the same way and learn what they would be willing to do to improve the situation.

Employees are urged to document all hazards and unsafe situations.

In detail, employees should write down the health/safety risk, what they saw, the date, time and location, plus the names of witnesses and anyone else exposed to the hazard.

If the company is non-union, then the employee is urged to contact a union organizer and learn how a union can improve workplace safety.

Visitors to the webpages can also learn about industry-specific resources and guidance for nine industries, including the building trades.

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