Members Grant Local Child’s Wish

Wishes do come true.

make-a-wish logoWhen the Make-A-Wish Foundation learned a child in Marysville, requested a pool heater, they turned to members of the Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council to help grant the wish.

Members of UA Local 89 donate their time to help a central Ohio girl's Make-A-Wish come true.

Members of UA Local 189 and IBEW 683 donate their time to help a central Ohio girl’s Make-A-Wish come true.

While Make-A-Wish often works to grant children with life-threatening medical conditions wishes such as a vacation to Disneyland or Hawaii, they also get simple wishes such as wanting a puppy or experiencing what it is like to do a certain job.

In this particular instance, the request was to be able to swim in the family pool, which was cold because it did not have a heater.

Officials with Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, Central Ohio Region Chapter learned of the request and contacted the area’s building trades.

Members of Local 683 who participated in the Make-A-Wish volunteer project.

Members of Local 683 and Local 189, who participated in the Make-A-Wish volunteer project.

Volunteers from Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 189 and IBEW Local 683 jumped at the opportunity to make a difference.

They worked to install the pool heater and grant the well-deserved wish.

Now, thanks to the area’s building trades, the child can swim in the family pool.

According to their website, Make-A-Wish grants a wish, on average, every 34 minutes to a child with a life-threatening medical condition.

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