Ohio State Building Trades

222 E. Town St., Columbus OH 43215
Phone: 614-221-3682
Secretary-Treasurer: Mike Knisley


Website details from the Ohio State Building and Construction Trades Council

The individual member affiliates of the Ohio State Building & Construction Trades Council are comprised of thousands of highly-trained and experienced workers whose track record of producing exceptional quality work resonates throughout the state of Ohio.

As such, it’s the mission of the Ohio State BCTC to provide members with the necessary education and training to better skills and maintain productive and safe working environments.

The Ohio State BCTC provides leadership through direction and cooperation from 14 regional councils.


Website information from ACT Ohio

Affiliated Construction Trades (ACT) Ohio advocates for quality, safe construction by contractors and skilled craftsmen with integrity. We fight for level competition to ensure the state’s tax dollars are spent properly. We strive to educate the public on the importance of fair wages, workforce training, industry regulations, and safety standards. ACT Ohio exists to:


Legislation and public policy can have a far-reaching impact on Ohio’s Building Trades. ACT Ohio has built relationships on both sides of the aisle in order to inform the state’s legislators on the importance of the Building Trades to Ohio’s economic development.

Because issues like Prevailing WageSo-Called “Right to Work” laws, and Project Labor Agreements require constant monitoring and education in order to keep Ohio’s labor force working and earning fair wages, ACT Ohio’s relationships with legislators is key.

Beyond lobbying and providing testimony on behalf of its affiliate members, ACT Ohio’s Executive Board also provides regular endorsements that understand and support the needs of the skilled craftsmen and women of the Building Trades.


In addition to informing Ohio’s elected officials, ACT Ohio travels throughout the state speaking to students, educators, guidance counselors, parents, and veterans about he many benefits of a Building Trades career. Ohio’s skilled craftsmen and women complete rigorous training during their apprenticeship – often called “The Other 4 Year Degree.”

Throughout apprenticeship, aspiring journeymen and women earn safety certifications and are continually upgrading skills. Apprentices earn competitive wages, healthcare benefits, and a pension while completing training. By presenting this information statewide, ACT Ohio seeks to help solve the skilled crafts shortage, bringing more development to the Buckeye State.


Cooperation between labor and management is a hallmark of Ohio’s Building Trades. The use of Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) further enhances the strong relationship between our affiliate members and signatory contractors. Ensuring that there is enough skilled labor for the project and that there will be no work stoppages on the project are additional benefits for using PLAs which bring projects in on time and often under budget.


The skilled craftsmen and women of Ohio’s Building Trades are meticulously trained, incredibly safe, and regularly drug-tested. ACT Ohio takes pride in promoting our journeymen and women as the most qualified construction workforce in the state.


ACT Ohio is funded by union construction workers who believe it is their duty to protect the state’s construction industry and the many working families it supports.

Phone: (614) 221-7171
Fax: (614) 221-7172
939 Goodale Blvd., Suite 202
Columbus, OH 43212