Laborers Local 423

2625 Winchester Pike, Columbus, Ohio 43232
Phone: 614-252-1093
Fax: 614-252-6909
Business Manager: Robert McCaskill
Business Agent: David Cross
Business Agent: Patrick McGovern
Business Agent: Rick Ahle


Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA)

LIUNA is the most progressive, aggressive and fastest-growing union of construction workers, and one of the most diverse and effective unions representing public service employees. LIUNA members are on the forefront of the construction industry – a powerhouse sector of 12 million workers producing five percent of our countries’ economic output.

905 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202-737-8320


History from the Local 423 website

LIUNA Local 423 was charted on March 1, 1933 and represents hundreds of the men and women in Columbus, Ohio who do the hard, dangerous and sometimes dirty work of building America. LIUNA members are on the forefront of the construction industry ­ a sector that is a powerhouse of 12 million workers producing 5 percent of our countries economic output.

Local 423 is an affiliate of LIUNA the Laborers’ International Union of North America the most progressive, aggressive and fastest-growing union of construction workers.  LIUNA is one of the most diverse and effective unions in America. LIUNA members are united through collective bargaining agreements which help us earn family-supporting pay, good benefits and the opportunity for advancement and better lives.

Phone: (614) 221-7171
Fax: (614) 221-7172
939 Goodale Blvd., Suite 202
Columbus, OH 43212