Hager provides insight into region’s growth

On his regular appearance on America’s Workforce Radio, Dorsey Hager, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer, discussed the region’s growth with AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc.

Dorsey Hager

Dorsey Hager, C/COBCTC Executive Secretary-Treasurer

Hager provided some insight as to why he thinks Columbus is in the middle of a large growth spurt, which has led to a major building boom. Unlike other cities in Ohio, Columbus and central Ohio are seeing an increase in the number of young adults calling the area home.

The influx of younger adults across an assortment of industries including healthcare and high-tech work. He also cited the low cost of living, diversity and politics as other reasons why people are moving into the region.

The growth of the region has sparked major development. One of the bigger projects on the books is the Downtown Columbus Hilton Hotel Expansion project. This project will create the largest hotel in the city and allow Columbus to host major conventions and events.

Currently, the hotel is slated to be operated as a non-union hotel, but Columbus Councilman and Affiliated Construction Trades (ACT) Ohio legal counsel Rob Dorans figured out a way to allow the employees, should they want, to unionize.

America's Workforce Radio Host Ed "Flash" Ferenc

America’s Workforce Radio Host Ed “Flash” Ferenc

Dorans, his fellow City Council members wanted to enter into a neutrality agreement with the Franklin County Convention Authority (FCCA) Board. This neutrality agreement will not make the hotel a union hotel, but keep the Hilton Hotel neutral should there be an effort to organize the labor force. Essentially, this agreement would let the hotel employees make a decision without any pressure from their employer.

Unfortunately, members of the FCCA voted this item down. Hager hops they revisit the vote due to potential protests occurring prior to the city hosting the largest convention in the its history.

Click here to listen to the entire interview, including a preview of three upcoming events – Labor Night at the Clippers game, a special discount for union members at a local MMA fight and an October Candidates Night event.

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