Cement Masons & Plasterers Ohio Local 132

407 Amanda Northern Rd., Amanda, OH 43102
Phone: 740-675-4021
Fax: 740-675-4022
Business Agent & President: Joe Ciacchi
Business Agent: Rory Haines
Organizer: Jazz Lakich


Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association (OPCMIA)

OPCMIA members represent skilled plasterers, cement masons, shophands and associated members. Plasterers finish interior walls and ceilings of buildings, apply plaster on masonry, metal, wirelath or gypsum. Bridges, canals, dams, reservoirs, roads and many other engineering feats would be impossible without the skills of OPCMIA cement masons. Cement masons are responsible for all concrete construction, including pouring and finishing of slabs, steps, wall tops, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, paving and other concrete construction.

9700 Patuxent Woods Drive, Suite 200
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 301-623-1000


History from the Local 132 website

The Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association also known as the OPCMIA, represents the member of one of the world’s oldest and most noble crafts.  The Union’s 56,000 members are the proud carriers of a tradition that predates the pyramids.  As early as man was building shelter for himself, there was plastering.   First with mud, clay and reeds or sticks and later with a lime mixture much like what is used today.

As early as 1501 several European nations allowed the plaster craftsmen to set up a standards and a “union type of guild” or charter with the general purpose to maintain quality standards of craftsmanship and materials.  The officials could impose fines and assessments for shoddy work or use of inferior materials.

Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ Local 132 is combined and made up of the 4 major areas of Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and Portsmouth Ohio.  There are respected offices and training centers in all 4 areas.  The financial office is currently in Dayton, Ohio.

How we all became one.  In 1993, the Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association merged Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton together to become Local 1.  In 1998 the International Association put Local 1 under the guidance of the International and looked at the need to add Portsmouth’s local into Local 1.  The number 132 came about as they took Local 1 and Portsmouth’s Local 232 and they came up with the number 132.  The newly formed Local came into existence and the Charter dated August 1, 1998 currently hangs on the wall in the Financial Office in Dayton, Ohio.

The standards of the European artisans were brought overseas by immigrant plasterers of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.  These first tradesmen built their reputations in the design of their dwellings to this new land, later to be named the United States of America.

As changes took place, projects that improved man’s lifestyle and surroundings, the cement masons became a productive part of the community.  They built bridges, canals, dams, reservoirs and many other feats that would have been impossible without the skills of the cement masons.  Together with the plasterers and fellow building craftsmen they placed a key role in shaping the world as we know it today.

As numbers increased in the New World, the plasterers began to organize locals by area and nationally, because each craftsman brought their own way of doing things from the “Old Country” Evidence indicates that the main function of the early organized groups was to ensure quality of craftsmanship.

Columbus Plasterers’; was known as Local 800.  Through the years all the different area Plasterers locals merged into Local 800 thus local 800 represented Columbus and all the surrounding areas.  In 1992 the Plasterers’ were in negotiations.  All but 2 of the signatory contractors pulled out of the union.  This left for a lot of problems including Health & Welfare coverage in addition there was withdrawal liability to their pension plan as well as dealing with their JATC program.  Thus Local 800 was merged into the Columbus Cement Masons’ Local 536.

Columbus Cement Masons’; again through the early years there were Cement Masons’ locals in Marietta and Mansfield areas.  These areas merged into the Columbus Local 536 thus making all areas stronger.  The counties increased along with the jurisdictional coverage thus making the OP&CMIA Local 536 representing the Plasterers and Cement Masons covering 28 counties in Central, South Central and Southeastern Ohio.  [Columbus has 2 Business Representatives and run their office and training in Lancaster Ohio.  There are 2 Cement Masons’ instructors teaching the program which includes teaching Blue Print and Math course.  As the need for Plasterers training comes up that duty is shared by the other area Plasterers instructors or by qualified Plasterer journeymen.  There are 2 Business Reps. in this area.]

Indeed we are from different areas of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana and from different walks of life but we are one Local!  In order for us to thrive, we must be productive for the contractors we work for in a way that keeps our members in demand.  This will also enable our members to make a solid living wage with excellent fringe benefits.  We must stay competitive in our market and our industry and we must continue training and advancing in our knowledge and our skills.  We are Local 132 Proud, Strong and United.  We must work together to continue to build on our great history.

Phone: (614) 221-7171
Fax: (614) 221-7172
939 Goodale Blvd., Suite 202
Columbus, OH 43212